Kaju Katli / Kaju Barfi / Cashew Barfi

Kaju katli, India's most favourite sweet is the easiest to make! Did you know that!!
All you need is 3 ingredients and right measurement, tricks mentioned in the recipe for sugar syrup will ensure you get it right. Let's start now!

Servings - 20 to 25 pieces
Preparation time - 10 mins
Cooking time - 20 mins


Cashews - 200 gms
Milk powder - 30 gms
Sugar - 150 gms / ¾ cup
Water - ½ of sugar

Steps to prepare

1. Grind cashews in pulse mode to a coarse mixture. Sieve of required to avoid bigger chunks.
2. Clear all lumps in the mixture and add milk powder, keep it aside.
3. In a wok, add water and sugar, start boiling. Ensure sugar melts first.
4. Continue boiling until it reaches two string consistency. To know if it reaches two string consistency, in a bowl of water, add a drop of sugar syrup and check if it settles down to form a soft ball. If it melts or not able to form a ball, it hasn't reached two string.
5. Immediately turn off flame and add kaju mixture to it. Constantly keep mixing until the dough becomes a bit hard. This will take 3 to 4 mins.
6. Transfer the dough onto a butter paper or plastic sheet. Cover the plastic sheet in such a way that dough is in between 2 layers of sheet.
7. With the covered start, start kneading the dough until it's even and pliable. At this stage, dough is not sticky.
8. Using a rolling pin, rollout the dough evenly to any desired thickness. Cut in diamond shape preferably.


1. Don't grind kaju into a thick paste, it leaves oil. So ensure to use pulse mode in mixer.
2. Milk powder is completely optional and just helps to make katlis soft and creamy.
3. Keep checking sugar consistency in between your fingers or using the bowl method.
4. If after adding mixture to sugar syrup, it becomes powdery, add little water to it and keep mixing.


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